Friday, November 2, 2012

Why eating whole is so important to me....

I grew up in the south where food is really essential to fellowship and family.  A "true" breakfast consisted of eggs, sausages, bacon, biscuits and GRAVY.  I enjoyed weekend mornings when everyone was up and things were slow and we would all sit down to such a breakfast.  I never really considered then if there was more to food than just enjoyment.

Fast forward 10 years and now I have a family of my own and am very concerned and convicted to feed my family a breakfast that is more well rounded and filled with the nutrients that our bodies crave in order to function to their fullest.  I'm not saying there is anything necessarily wrong with waking up every now and then and having the breakfast I listed above, however, are we truly considering the design of our bodies and respecting God's masterpiece by filling them with foods that are filled with the vitamins and minerals we need to be our healthiest?

For me this journey to health and whole foods began over three years ago, when I was pregnant with my first baby and was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes as well as hypertension.  These labels in themselves were enough to scare me.  I was directed by my doctor to see a nutritionist to help me learn about how to keep my blood sugar in check.  This turned out to be a true blessing.

Following these visits, I started cooking lighter and eating more well rounded.  I continued this after my sons delivery and ended up losing an additional 30 lbs of my pre-pregnancy weight!  This was a real wake up call to how much weight I had added over just a few years.

So that's where it all began and recently I have been convicted in my spirit that there is way more to nutrition and how God designed our bodies to function than following a diet to maintain blood sugar.  I am now following a mainly Paleo diet with the addition of peanuts and wheat that I mill myself.

I believe as a society, Americans have become held hostage to fast foods and convenient foods.  I 100% believe that God has designed our bodies beautifully and that if we respected them more by filling them with healthy foods, we would see that we are healthier and I believe this journey is bringing me even closer to the Lord than ever. 

I'm not saying that if you don't have a healthy diet you aren't close to the Lord but have you considered eating in a way that you fill your body with the vitamins and minerals God naturally has provided us with.  He made us to need certain types of foods to be healthy.  Who wants to join this journey with me :)?

My plan for this blog is to share recipes I've made and to really just put my thoughts regarding food out there.  It's not always easy to eat healthy and I've been in situations where I really don't have much of a choice but my goal is that my family and I would generally eat for our health. 

(Now if I could only get into the working out!)

Thanks for listening :).


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